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Operation Mockingbird, Fake News And Those Little Dice That Flipped.

Updated: Oct 7, 2023

I think people somehow deliberately allow themselves to be deceived and manipulated. Case in point: once I was in Vegas shooting dice, downtown. I'd never shot craps before so I was trying it out, and once when I rolled the dice, AFTER THEY HAD STOPPED MOVING, they flipped.

Everyone saw it. The whole table became utterly silent, and then after about two long seconds, they all went right back to betting and yelling and whooping it up, even though they now KNEW that the game was fixed. Of course, I quit playing, and to this day have never played again, but why did those people ignore the lie?

You know it's funny, but I've never heard anyone from either the left or right, decry Melania Trump for doing porn. It's all over the net, and it's NOT fake, so why has no-one ever brought it up? Hell, she even did lesbian! I think it might have made a big difference in the 2016 election if more "conservative" people had known about it, and on the left, there’s the Biden laptop. Leftists knew all about it, but just went merrily on as if nothing were there.

Oh but wait! it gets even better! Obama's mother did porn too, bondage and lesbian too boot, and she was in the CIA along with her parents as well, and then there are many, many people of whom we all know who are connected to the C.I.A.: Anderson Cooper, Alex Jones, Tucker C

arlson, and according to Robert Kennedy, publications like Salon, Rolling Stone and the Daily Beast. Hell, Gloria Steinem indirectly received the funds to start Ms. Magazine from them. Even Facebook and Google are connected, and believe me, I could go on and on.

You see, it’s kinda like those dice that flipped; everybody still just goes along.



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