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OPINION: The Bad Shepherd.

The more and more I read and hear about the current zeitgeist, the more I'm compelled to realize that our leaders don't want to actually win wars. They just want to fight them to make money and/or achieve goals for the big corporations.

In fact, our leaders actually are the corporations themselves, multinational corporations which have no allegiance to the US any more than they have to any other country.

In fact, the big corporations are actually better off if we lose because that creates the excuse to take even more of our tax dollars.

In fact, the point is that these guys are gonna get us into a big war with Russia that we can't win. Our military is a shadow of what it was 20 years ago, but if they can get some of our cities blown up, it will accelerate their plans to "build back better," thereby consolidating their establishment and control of a totalitarian, nanny state all to the tune of luctrative contracts to finance our physical reconstruction.

They'll just run to their bunkers in Hawaii or New Zealand until the smoke settles.

Obvioulsy, these villains see us as nothing more than sheep, but you know, Jesus himself characterized people as sheep several times. He, however, distinguished between good and bad shepherds.



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